How to Create the Ideal Online Registration Form?

Assessments are arguably one of the most important aspects of education, it’s an ideal way for the students to refresh.

How to Create the Ideal Online Registration Form?
How to Create the Ideal Online Registration Form?

Assessments are arguably one of the most important aspects of education, it’s an ideal way for the students to refresh and reinforce information learnt during the course, and a great method for the instructor to assess and improve their course material. And according to research, recalling knowledge for testing reasons can help a student convert fresh information into long-term memory and skill.

But ever since the pandemic turned the world of learning topsy-turvy, we’ve had to face many challenges while attempting to conduct conventional assessments. So what are some tools we can use? How do we ensure fair tests? Every student has their strengths, so how do we cater to all of them at once?

There are many questions we don’t have an answer to, but we do have some ideas!

1. Open-Ended/Essay Questions

One of the best ways to find out if your students understood the material is by asking them to explain it in their own words. This greatly boosts their critical thinking and writing skills, while also aiding them in organising, summarising and reviewing their course material. You can also ask for Essays, Case studies, Article reviews, Proposals or Reports.

2. Online Quizzes

With multiple choice, fill in the blanks, image selection quizzes and more, you can be spoilt for choice when it comes to using this fairly conventional but effective mode of evaluation. It’s easy to make, easy to assess, and simple for students to attempt. Instructors can use question banks to create several practise tests that provide students with various sets of questions each time.

3. Video Assessments

Focus on one-on-one or small verbal group examinations conducted via video conferencing tools. This is especially effective for brief, targeted oral exams. This equips them to formulate answers on-the-go and face interviews in the future.

4. Online Group Assessments

Give your students the opportunity to approach the learning material in a different way, and help them learn about teamwork and leadership in the process. Assign them group projects and presentations with peer-to-peer evaluation and grading. For peer grading, make sure you include questions the students can answer based on their experience and understanding of the course material taught.

5. Take constant feedback:

The best way to ensure that your method of evaluation is working is to take constant feedback . Simple inquiries can elicit useful responses from students, and this can help you design a specialized study plan. Ask questions like:

  • What’s working for you?
  • What isn’t working?
  • What would you suggest?


There are a large number of methods you can use to make online assessments a productive, effective process. But besides these tips, some significant factors to consider while constructing your online evaluations are:

Communicating your objectives and needs to your pupils in a clear and concise manner

Defining the goal of your evaluation and what you expect to achieve.

Aligning your evaluations with your course’s learning outcomes

With these guidelines and tools that are both implementable and nifty, these student evaluation methods can maximize your students’ potential, and make the most out of the online ordeal.