How to Craft a Perfect Mentorship Form Template

Here's an essential guide that contains the best tips to get you started on making the perfect mentorship form template.

How to Craft a Perfect Mentorship Form Template
How to Craft a Perfect Mentorship Form Template

Successful entrepreneurs are usually good mentors, so it’s crucial to find the right fit for you. But how do you know if someone will be the right mentor?

As it turns out, there are some elements that every mentorship form should have to make sure both parties are on the same page from the beginning and that mentorship goes smoothly.

Not all mentorship forms are created equal. An effective mentorship form should be simple, straightforward, and functional. We’ve got a few tips to help you make the perfect mentorship form to get the best results from your mentees.Here are some of those elements, plus other tips on crafting a perfect mentorship form template.

Understanding mentorship

Mentorship is about helping someone find success in their life through teaching and learning. It allows you to pass on your knowledge to others.

The mentor may be older or younger than the mentee, but either way usually has more experience or expertise in some area. A formalized relationship between mentor and mentee is commonly found in newer businesses.

However, it’s also common to see relationships between peers (relatively equal) and often between senior people helping juniors grow.

The benefits of mentorship

A good mentor helps provide guidance and mentorship that you may not get from others in your life. When choosing a mentor, try to find someone who has traits or experiences you admire or can learn from, such as work experience, hobbies, interests, etc.

Also, be sure to ask friends and family members if they know anyone that can help out with your career. Lastly, it would help if you always researched potential mentors so you know their accomplishments or personal background before formally requesting mentorship.

It’s essential to figure out precisely what kind of mentor relationship is right for you before approaching anyone. While some people prefer more distant mentors and make themselves available when needed, other people like having frequent meetings with mentors to go over their progress or bounce ideas off of each other frequently throughout their professional lives.

Questions to include in the mentorship form template for mentors

A good mentor can provide you with guidance, tips, and advice on everything from your career to your personal life, but you need to ask the right questions to benefit from their experience and knowledge.

After all, asking the wrong questions can make it easy for your mentor to give you generic advice that may not be appropriate to your situation. So what should you ask them? Here are over 40 different mentorship questions to help you get more out of your mentorship relationship.

  1. How do you define success?
  2. Are you happy with your career?
  3. What books have changed your thinking?
  4. How did you start in your career path?
  5. What’s the most crucial part of being successful?
  6. If there were one lesson you’d want me to learn, what would it be?
  7. How do you motivate yourself when things get tough?
  8. What role does chance play in our careers?
  9. Where did you go on your last vacation?

Questions to include in the mentorship form template for mentees

Mentorship questions are the most important questions to ask while mentoring someone.

You don’t want to go through the motions and say things that don’t help your mentee grow, so you have to have the right questions to make your time with them worth their while and yours, too.

If you’re in the position of mentoring someone, whether it’s a student, an employee, or even just a friend, these questions are essential to use while they’re with you.

  1. What do you think is your biggest weakness?
  2. Do you have any questions for me?
  3. What kinds of challenges have you faced in the past year?
  4. Tell me something surprising about yourself.
  5. Which areas would you like to improve at work?
  6. What are your goals moving forward?
  7. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your former self?
  8. How did you get from where you started to where you are now?
  9. What do you want out of life ten years from now? 20 years from now? 30 years from now?

Essential tips for mentees

  1. Make a list of what skills you want to learn
  2. Determine where you are now in terms of skill level
  3. Identify your preferences for how you want to learn
  4. Let your mentors know how they can help you
  5. Create an easy-to-follow template for tracking your progress. You may use Notion for this.
  6. Always get feedback on your work, even if it’s negative
  7. Ask questions that show what you’ve learned and avoid questions that show what you haven’t learned yet.
  8. If someone responds saying they don’t have time, let them know that mentoring doesn’t have to be time consuming. Show them this checklist so they can see exactly what’s involved in being a mentor.

Free Mentorship Form Template

Mentorship can be a potent tool for personal growth, but only if you actively participate in the relationship and get the most out of it. That’s why we’ve prepared a free mentorship form template on HeyForm.

And if you want to create a new mentorship form template with our example questions listed above, go ahead and sign up with online form builder. With our platform, you can craft and share beautiful online forms within a few minutes. Get started for free.