Top Questions to Include in A Catering Feedback Survey

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Top Questions to Include in A Catering Feedback Survey
Top Questions to Include in A Catering Feedback Survey

Running a successful catering business isn’t just about delivering delicious food, it’s about creating memorable experiences that make your clients want to come back for more. But how do you know what’s working and what’s not? The answer is simple: ask your customers!

Feedback is crucial in any service industry, and catering is no exception. By collecting honest opinions from your clients, you can identify areas for improvement, maintain high standards, and keep your clients happy. But to get the most valuable insights, you need to ask the right questions.

Here are some top questions you should include in your catering feedback survey to help you refine your services and deliver even better experiences.

1. How Would You Rate the Service Staff?

The people on your team play a massive role in shaping your clients’ experience. From the servers to the event coordinators, every interaction matters. A good starting point is to ask how satisfied your clients were with your service staff. Did they find them friendly, professional, and attentive? Or were there any areas where your team could have performed better?

By asking this question, you’re not only showing your clients that you care about their experience, but you’re also gaining insights into how well your staff is representing your brand. If any issues arise, such as complaints about rudeness or inattentiveness, you can address them before they become recurring problems.

2. How Would You Rate the Quality and Taste of the Food?

At the heart of every catering service is the food. It’s what your clients are paying for, and it’s often the highlight of any event. That’s why it’s essential to gather feedback on the quality and taste of the dishes you serve.

Including a question like, "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the food?" can help you gauge whether your menu is hitting the mark. If you notice consistent comments about particular dishes or ingredients, you can use that feedback to tweak your offerings and improve the overall dining experience.

3. Were the Drinks Served in a Timely Manner?

If you’re offering beverages—whether it’s coffee, cocktails, or anything in between—it’s important to know how well that part of the service went. Were drinks served promptly? Did guests have to wait too long for their orders? Were the drinks served at the right temperature?

By asking specific questions about beverage service, you can identify any potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement. For instance, if drinks were delayed because of insufficient staff or poor organization, you can adjust your processes for future events.

4. How Was Your Interaction with Our Contract Manager?

Your contract manager is the bridge between your clients and your catering team. They’re responsible for ensuring that everything runs smoothly from the planning stages to the event’s execution. That’s why it’s important to ask how well your contract manager handled communication and problem-solving.

Did the client feel supported and heard? Were all their questions and concerns addressed? This question can provide valuable feedback on how well your team is managing client relationships, which is crucial for long-term success.

5. Would You Use Our Catering Services Again?

This is one of the most telling questions you can ask. If a client says they would use your services again, it’s a clear sign that they were happy with the overall experience. If they hesitate or say no, it’s an indication that there’s room for improvement.

This question also opens the door for more detailed feedback. If a client wouldn’t hire you again, follow up by asking what specifically influenced their decision. This can provide insights into areas you may have overlooked, helping you refine your services and improve client retention.

6. Do You Have Any Suggestions for Improvement?

No feedback survey is complete without a question that encourages open-ended responses. Asking for specific suggestions allows clients to share their thoughts in their own words, giving you deeper insights into what could be better.

Whether it’s tweaking a particular dish, improving communication, or offering more flexibility with your menu, your clients’ suggestions can serve as valuable guides for continuous improvement.

Why These Questions Matter

By including these targeted questions in your catering feedback survey, you’re doing more than just collecting opinions—you’re gathering actionable insights that can help you elevate your services. Whether it’s fine-tuning your menu, improving staff performance, or enhancing communication, these questions give you the information you need to make informed decisions.

Remember, feedback is only useful if you act on it. Take the time to review responses, identify trends, and implement changes where necessary. Doing so will not only improve your service but also strengthen your relationships with your clients, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


Catering feedback surveys are an invaluable tool for improving your business, but only if you ask the right questions. By focusing on key aspects like service staff performance, food quality, drink service, and client satisfaction, you can gather actionable insights that will help you fine-tune your offerings and keep your clients coming back.

Remember, the goal is to continuously improve and adapt to your clients’ needs. With thoughtful feedback and a willingness to make necessary changes, your catering business can thrive.


1. How many questions should be in a catering feedback survey?
Aim for 5-10 questions. Too few questions might not provide enough detail, while too many can overwhelm respondents and lead to incomplete surveys.

2. What’s the best time to send a feedback survey?
Send the survey within 24-48 hours after the event when the experience is still fresh in your client’s mind.

3. How do I encourage clients to complete the feedback survey?
Keep the survey short and simple, and consider offering an incentive, such as a discount on future services, to increase participation.

4. Should I include questions about specific menu items?
Yes, especially if you’re trying out new dishes. Specific feedback on menu items can help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

5. Can I customize my feedback survey for different types of events?
Absolutely! Tailoring your survey to the type of event—whether it’s a wedding, corporate event, or birthday party—can provide more relevant and insightful feedback.

With the right questions and a user-friendly format, your catering feedback survey will become a powerful tool to boost client satisfaction and elevate your services. Give HeyForm a try and start building your own feedback survey today!