⚡ HeyForm Weekly 2021.11.1

⚡ HeyForm Weekly 2021.11.1
Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

Hey all, it’s another busy week for the team. Luo here with a slew of updates from HeyForm.

New product features

We‘ve added some interesting new features to HeyForm during the first week of November.

⏲️ Form Timer

Now with HeyForm, you can set up a timer countdown for the audience while they are filling a form.

The timer will count down while the form is fully loaded in the browser, and when the time is up, the form will become unavailable for submission.

🈵 Maximum Submission Limit

Now you can set the maximum number of submissions to a form. When the number of form submissions exceeds the set number, the form will become no longer unavailable.

🌚 Submission Frequency Limit

In case you need to limit the submission frequency from the audience, we’ve now made it a possibility.

You now have the option to limit the submission frequency from the same audience to a certain time period, or simply limit everyone to submit once.

🪐 Integrations

  • Webhook - Send requests to 3rd-party URL when new submissions are received.
  • Dropbox - Save the files uploaded from a form to Dropbox.
  • Github - Convert form submission to a Github issue.
  • Gitlab - Convert form submission to a Gitlab issue.
  • SupportPal - Convert form submission to a helpdesk ticket.

New improvements

Adding new features are great, fixing bugs & making improvements provide more of a sense of accomplishment. This week, we have fixed the following reported issues:

  • Fixed attachment preview on submission details page;
  • Fixed the bug ‘zero minutes estimated if the form has less than four questions’;
  • Fixed the form display when expiry date is enabled but not defined.

New people

We are so happy to announce Arlene Xu, an UI/UX designer, as an addition to our team this week. After several rounds of interviews and discussions, we are convinced that she will add another layer of success to our quality efforts. She has also posted a self-introduction blog on Friday.

Arlene adopts HeyForm concepts very quickly and she is getting right to redesigning the component UI.  We will update you on the changes at our next weekly post.

Luo Baishun
Co-founder & CEO

P.S. We are looking for a content writer and marketing manager. Know anyone?